Is it a boy or girl??

Now, I have your attention! No, we aren't having another baby but we have added another person to our family!   We have been host family for 7 years and have signed up for our 8th one! Hosting has been a great experience for our family. However, if our children wasn't on board then we couldn't have done it.  As parents we love it but our jobs don't change that much, we are just fixing dinner for one more person, going to one more sporting event, loving one more child. Our children are the ones making them feel welcome in our family, answering the strange questions that the student don't want to ask the parents, explaining why the parent might be upset if they told them to do something for 10 times and it's still not done, helping them fit in at school, and bonding with the student.

I have joined our AFS local chapter so now I'm the chapter chair where I look and educate host families. I love talking about our experience and love matching families with students. I'm very thankful for our family friends for introducing us to this program.

We started when our son was a Freshman in high school which was almost 8 years ago. This has been a life changing experience for the whole family.  I have learn so much from the kids and I have learn so much about my parenting style and the changes I should make. Our first student says I'm a more relaxed now with the rules but feels I should still be strict with them since I was with him!

Here's some things I have learned from hosting an exchange student: (and maybe some advice)

  • First Rule is treat them like your own child from day one! They aren't guest in your house they are family! If you treat them like a guest you won't get the bond you need. Do you remember when your child was born and you were given that hour or so to just to bond with you baby? You remember looking and learning from them, this is just like with your exchange student take time to get to know them. The first few weeks are important-they are learning from and about you just like you are doing. 
  • Make rules-explain the rules! This is something that helps with your own kids as well. Remember your own kids have had years to learn these, the students have 10 months to learn everything about you including the rules. I have them posted in my house. 
  • Give them chores! You might not think your own children have chores but they do-even if it's keep your bedroom clean, make their bed, put laundry away, etc... We have chores posted on our fridge to remind everyone including kids and hubby what needs to be done each night or week. By giving chores to your exchange students they feel apart of the family!
  • Communicate, Communicate, and Communicate!! If the student says something that you don't understand ask questions, if you say something and they give you a strange look-ask if  they understand what you asked and state it again!! We have found some many of the little issues could have been fixed if we just communicate!! 
  • The exchange students are used to their freedom. In our area they don't have the change to walk or take the train anyway they want to; they need a ride to EVERY WHERE!! This is hard because they want to go EVERY WHERE!!! I'm a working parent so if I know if advance it's no problem but the last minute things some times get me. When you have a driving kids it gets easier but sometimes they can't do it and that is just life!  Don't take this personal they will get use to it but sometimes it does take awhile. Our biggest thing was riding in cars with kids. One of our rules you can't ride if I don't know about it or I don't know the driver! 
  • Let them decorate their room how they want to. This is a new one I have learned from a newer host parent. They wanted until the student arrived to finish the room. The student stated they felt more involved in family. 
  • If you have a group message with the family make sure that student is included in that message. 
  • Give hugs and comments to them often but don't forget to give them to your own children as well.
  • I have learn recently that stop and look around! Take time to look at sunrise and sunsets, flowers and trees. We live in a beautiful community that sometimes we forget to look. 
Above is just some of the things I have learned and it's my advice for hosting. I'm far from perfect but we have enjoyed hosting. 


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